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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Is your Paytm FASTag account closed? How to check Paytm FASTag status

Paytm FASTag: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) barred Paytm Payments Bank (PPBL) from accepting new clients for various services after March 15 following which no customer accounts, prepaid cards, Paytm Wallets, FASTags, NCMC cards, will accept deposits, credit transactions, top-ups. This means that Paytm FASTag users will have to close their account by March 15 and get a new FASTag from another NHAI-authorised issuer.
The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) said “To ensure seamless travel experience and avoid inconvenience at toll plazas, NHAI has advised Paytm FASTag users to procure a new FASTag issued by another bank before March 15, 2024. This will help in avoiding penalties or any double fee charges while commuting on National Highways. In line with the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India regarding restrictions on Paytm Payments Bank, the Paytm FASTags users will not be able to recharge or top-up the balance post 15th March 2024. However, they can use their existing balance to pay toll beyond the stipulated date.”
You can check it under the “Manage Tags” section in your FASTag sub-wallet.
