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Pedro Pascal Has Fans Concerned With His Unexpected Plus One At The Golden Globes

The internet’s daddy, Pedro Pascal, showed up to the 81st Golden Globes with a plus one you probably weren’t anticipating — a black sling on his arm.
And no, “The Last of Us” star didn’t injure himself fighting off rabid zombies. On Sunday night while attending the ceremony at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California, Pascal revealed to reporters that he “fell.”
“Be careful … it can happen to anybody,” he said, per The Associated Press.
The “Narcos” leading man didn’t elaborate on exactly how he stumbled, but only a heartthrob like Pascal could still stun while rocking a cast that matched his outfit. Pascal served up looks in a bold black-and-white button down shirt, timeless black slacks and shiny black dress shoes.
Pascal isn’t short of admirers, so of course his fans began pouring out concern over his injury on X (formerly Twitter).
pedro pascal is going to the golden globes with a broken arm…this ain’t right
Why is Pedro Pascal’s arm in a sling? Who hurt him?
Other eagle-eyed fans spotted that he hilariously painted his nails to say the words “ouch” amid his injury.
It says “ouch” because of his arm injury😭😭😂😂 why is he always so damn cute
pedro pascal, the genius that you are. look at the nails, it says ‘ouch’ for the broken arm #goldenglobes #goldenglobes2024
Pascal was nominated for Best Performance by an Actor in a Drama Television Series for his popular role as Joel in HBO’s hit show “The Last of Us” at this year’s Golden Globes.
The post-apocalyptic show adapted from the 2013 survival video game of the same name by Craig Mazin, and follows young Ellie (Bella Ramsey), a teenager who is mysteriously immune to a Cordyceps fungus that morphs people into ravenous zombies.
“The Last of Us” also scored a nod for best drama series, and Ramsey was nominated for Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series.
Check out all the 2024 Golden Globe Awards red carpet looks here.
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